Friday, July 11, 2008

Dinner with family

So one of my sisters who lives in Arizona came in to town with her grandson so we all met for dinner. I took my camera, but never did get any of my sister Becky or her grandson Jordan, we were too busy talking. Here are a few that I took.
My mom and dad:
Todd and I (doesn't he look thrilled?):
This my brother Michael and two my sisters Christy and Susan and I:This is me with two of my sisters Christy and Susan:
This is my sister Christy:This is Emily and Lucy:
Emily and Saliah:
JT and Linus:
Linus dancing to the mariachi band:
Joey, JT and Dylan:
Cassie and Tori:
It was a good dinner.
Stayed tuned for more. The boys are swimming at Regional Saturday and if they finish in the top 3 they will get to move on to state in San Antonio. So a busy weekend again for us. Hope everyone else has a safe and blessed weekend.

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