Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tori's volleyball

Last weekend my niece Tori played in a volleyball tournament. I finally got to see her play Friday night. Her regular games are on Thursday and we have soccer and baseball on Thursdays so I haven't seen any of her games until Friday. She played so good as did her team. They won Friday night and then won their first game Saturday morning and lost the second one so they ended up 2nd place. Very good I think. Here are some of the pictures I took. I couldn't get very good ones so they are a little blurry, but she is number 3.

The weekend of October 11 and 12 JT got invited to a girl from his class skating birthday party. I don't know much about 8 year old little girls so we just got her a gift card so I had these little lunch box like tins so I decorated it to match the card I made and then stuck the gift card in the tin. I had fun making it and hope she liked it.

While at the party JT finally mastered skating backwards on his roller blades. Here he is on the left of this picture in the blue striped shirt.

This week is busy as usual, but next week/weekend is going to be plain crazy around here so if you don't here from me for awhile you know why. Have a blessed rest of the week!


stephanie T said...

that tin and card are SO CUTE!!!! you are GOOD!

Ann said...

Ohhhh, that card and matching tin are TOO cute!!! :D