Friday, February 27, 2009

Go Texan Day

Today is go Texan day so the kids could dress western if they wanted to, of course Dylan did and Emily did wear some boots, but they aren't cowboy boots. I tried to get a shot of them before school, but I couldn't get them to cooperate very well so this is the best one I could get.

This past week was also the boys cub scouts blue and gold ceremony. Dylan was sick so he didn't get to go, but JT did:

We have been passing around a cold and a stomach bug to each for about 2 weeks now. I sure hope it goes away soon. Baseball season is in full swing. Between the two boys someone has practice every day of the week. I am glad Emily decided she didn't want to play this year. And we are having all this practice already and opening day isn't even until the end of March.
This Saturday we have to be out in Katy at 7:15 in the morning as JT is competing on his schools DI team (Destination Imagination). Not looking forward to getting up that early, but I can't wait to see how they do. I will hopefully have pictures if I am not too tired to take them.
Hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed weekend.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Birthday

Wanted to wish all our loved ones a Happy Birthday that have February birthdays. Todd's Aunt Charla's was Sunday, we all went to dinner to celebrate.

On Monday was our good friend Samantha and Richards sons birthday. They came over Monday night and we order pizza and cinnasticks so we put candles in the cinnasticks and song happy birthday to him:

Today is Todd's Aunt Tina's birthday. Happy Birthday Aunt Tina!!

Then tomorrow will be my cousin Jennifer's birthday. Happy early Birthday Jennifer!

Then on Friday will be my brother in laws birthday. Happy early Birthday Hank!

Hope everyone has/will have a wonderful day.

100th Day of School

Today is the 100th day of school. Hard to believe it has already been 100 days. The younger classes celebrate by having all kinds of activities to do with the number 100. Dylan's grade had to make a 3-D object out of 100 of the same thing. We used little wooden sticks. He wanted to make a barn, but as he got down to the end and only had a few more sticks he decided to add crosses to the front and back so I guess it is a church:Emily's grade had to make a poster with 100 things on it in groups of 10. She used foam flowers and bells:

Today she was also able to wear a shirt with 100 things on it. She wanted to put crayons and chalkboards on her shirt so I printed them on iron-on transfer paper. She has 50 on the front and 50 on the back:
Now only 80 more days until summer vacation!


We had a 3 day weekend and Todd was off too. Saturday we spent most of the morning at basketball and end of season parties. JT had a friend come over and spend the night. Sunday was a relaxing day for the most part. We went to dinner with family that night for Todd's Aunts birthday and on the way there Dylan got sick in the car. We were going to go fishing Monday morning, but I stayed home with Dylan and Todd took JT and Emily spent the night with Mimi and Popsy. Of course JT caught more fish than daddy and the only keepers. Here is picture with is black drum:

JT spent Monday afternoon riding around on his 4 wheeler:

Then we had baseball practice that night. Then we had friends over for dinner. Was a great weekend.

End of Basketball

Saturday was the kids last basketball games for this season. They had a good time and played well. Here Dylan is #3:

Emily is a great defender and she can dribble really good too:

JT's poor little team was kind of the bad news bears of basketball. They tried really hard and hustled, but seem to just always lose. He still had fun playing though.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


The kids had their Valentine parties at school on Friday. I didn't get many pictures as I was going from one class to the next, to the next. It is hard to split your time between 3 classes. Here is Emily :
Dylan and 1st grade had a Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppies Valentines parfait. They all dressed fancy and got to bring their stuffed animals and they had a little parade around the school. They were cute:

Todd and I were actually in JT's class at the same time at one point so we got a few more pictures there. Here is JT and I (with our friend Mike giving me bunny ears):

Here are two of my handsome men:

JT's class got to decorate a cupcake and a cookie:

Friday night was the girl scouts father-daughter dance. It was 70's themed, but neither of them wanted to dress 70's. Here they are at the house:
Emily with her disco ball earrings:

Emily with some of her friends:

Emily dancing with her friend:

I didn't get to go, but Todd said they had a good time.


The other night we made pizzas. I bought some home made crust and all the ingredients. I let the kids mix the crust and shape it and put what they wanted on their pizzas. They love to help in the kitchen so this was a lot of fun for them. JT went wild and was trying to toss his crust up in the air like they did when we went to Mario's Flying Pizza:

Cards and stuff

Here are a few of the latest things I have made. I took an metal frame and covered it in paper and made little flower magnets to hold the picture:
I also covered a little metal mailbox and filled it with candy and mailed this and the frame to my cousins daughter for Valentines:

Part of the teachers Valentines gift I made. I took this box and covered it and wrote"Thanks for helping me grow!":

And on the inside were these little clay jars to grow some strawberry plants and some flowers:

Dylan got invited to a little girls birthday party that was at the fire station so I made her a fire girl card:

Here is a different angle of the card, I put liquid glass on the fire suit and boots to make it look shiny:

For the kids Valentine parties at school and Emily's girl scout party I made these slider boxes that had sweethearts inside. I stamped the image and let the kids color them. These are just Emily's class. I ended up making 80 of these:

Pinewood Derby Races

Dylan and JT's boy scout troop had their pinewood derby races at the end of January. The boys were given their cars by their leaders as Christmas presents and shaped them, painted them and then weighted them down. They had a lot of fun. Here they are at the races getting their cars weighed. They had to be exactly 5 oz.:

Here is the track:

None of the pictures of the races turned out, but JT lost in the first round. The weights were on the bottom and they ended up dragging a little on the track. Dylan won his first round, but lost the second round. They all had fun though.