Monday, June 28, 2010

Swim meet

Now that we have been home, the kids got to make another swim meet, we had missed 2 in row. For being out for 10 days of practice/meets they actually did great. It was a small meet that only had 1 other team, but our club has a lot of swimmers so we make it a big meet just by ourselves. Some of the adults have been swimming too so they had asked Todd and I if we could swim at this meet. Now I have never in my life swam for competition and Todd has only 1 other time, which was 1 meet last year. We both survived and even did well and had a great time too. This year JT has been swimming the 100 IM, which is a very hard thing to do as it is 4 laps, one of each stroke. He has never done the butterfly until he started doing the IM and he has done great every meet. Here he is on the butterfly:

Then he hits the wall in goes into the backstroke:

Comes back doing the breaststroke:

And finishes up with the freestyle:

He also usually does the 25 breaststroke and then swims on the medley relay team and one of the freestyle relay teams.

Emily is in her second year this year and has worked really hard. Here she is pushing off on the 25 backstroke:

Then in her 25 freestyle:

For the first time she swam the 2nd leg of one of the freestyle relay teams, here she is diving in:

Dylan also swims, here he is after his flip turn on the 50 free:

Coming to the wall on the freestyle relay where he swims the 3rd leg of it:

Here he is finishing strong on the 25 free:

He also swims on the medley relay team.

It is hard to believe that we only have 1 regular meet left and then champs, after that will be the decision if we will do regional to qualify for state, which I am pretty sure we will. Man has the summer flown by so far.

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