Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Prayers for Ray Garza!

By now some of yall already know, but some don't, that one of the High School golf coaches out in our area was seriously hurt in a motorcycle accident. We have been praying for him, as well as MANY others. Him, his wife and kids are wonderful people who we have had the pleasure of getting to know because our kids go to the same school with theirs (they have 4) and Emily and one of their daughters have taken dance and played tball with last year. While he has shown some improvements, he still has a long way to go and isn't fully awake or aware yet. His wife is asking for some special prayers starting tomorrow. Here is a copy from their carepage:

Ray's trach went well and it is so great to see his handsome face. He truly has a glow on his face. He is so beautiful. The arm surgery went well. It was actually broken in 5 places, mostly in the humerus. They have put a plate in it and it should function fine. The nerves were bruised, but not detached. That will take some time to heal. They washed the foot wounds out but did not do the muscle/skin graft surgery called a flap. They hope to accomplish that later this week. He is scheduled for an OT to come see him soon. He is getting very stiff in his joints. He has lost over 20 pounds already. His alertness is not very frequent yet and the nurses told me this is normal and eventually he will respond more often and then completely wake up. This may still take a long time. This leads me to the next part of tonight's update. I really want to bombard heaven with so many prayers on the 9 days before his birthday. Making May 8th be the 9th day of our "super" prayers. If you are able, please help me. Please start a novena with me on Wednesday, April 30th. The last day will be May 8th (Ray’s 36th Birthday). Below explains what a novena is. A novena is a devotion consisting of prayer said (most typically) on nine successive days, asking to obtain special graces. (Ray’s complete healing). These may consist of scripture reading, recitation of the Rosary, Chaplet, or other small prayers throughout the days. The idea is to send up as many prayers as possible, praying for something fervently. The practice of saying novenas is derived from Scripture. After Jesus' Ascension into heaven, he told his disciples to pray together in the upper room and devote themselves to constant prayer (Acts 1:14). The Apostles, Blessed Virgin Mary, and other followers of Jesus prayed together for nine consecutive days, concluding in the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. I know people of all faiths are praying for Ray. That in itself is absolutely beautiful. God loves us all! Many, many of you have sent me healing scriptures. Thank you so much! Dodie Osteen (Joel Osteen’s mother) also used these same scriptures to defeat cancer. She speaks up here during the week. I am listing a link to her website below. If you can read these daily for nine consecutive days, I know God will hear us. I am also not forgetting the little flower St. Therese sent us a few days after the accident letting us know that God is listening and healing Ray. Below is a link for a novena asking her to pray for Ray’s healing. I figure if we can have the Church Militant (Christians here on earth) and the Church Triumph (those already in Heaven) all praying for Ray, we will send up a mighty prayer for Jesus Christ our Lord to heal Ray. Thank you all so much! Healing Scriptures: http://www.alighthouse.com/healingscriptures3.htm St. Therese Little Flower of Jesus http://www.ewtn.com/therese/novena.htm#pray Please continue the Miracle Prayer I know this is a lot of praying… more than I have ever done. However, this branch is bearing fruit!! “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you. By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.” John 15:7-8 We are seeing this happen!!!!!

Please help them out by praying for Ray!

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