Monday, May 19, 2008

Baseball is over!

Well almost. Tomorrow is the end of the season party for Dylan and Emily and then it will officially be over. We had a great season, but it is time to relax a little, not much though as the boys both wanted to join the swim team and they have practice everyday for an hour. The school year is almost over too! I can't wait and I know the boys can't either. They had buddy day on May 8, it is a day when they pick a kid from their class to be a buddy, they will sometimes make or get matching shirts and then spend 2 hours doing all kinds of events with their buddy . Here are just a few of the pictures of the boys doing events with their buddy!

I want to say Happy Late Mother's day to everyone. I have been so busy I just never got around to telling you that. I had a wonderful day. We went to an early lunch with Todds family at Pappsitos and then we to my sister Susans to spend time with my family later that afternoon. I have pictures from that and other things, but they are just still on my camera. After I get them downloaded I will share. So stayed tuned!

1 comment:

stephanie T said...

that looks like fun!