Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th!

It's a little late, but Happy 4th of July! I hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday weekend. God bless all our troops both past and present for giving us our freedom so we can celebrate this wonderful day!

Last week was a long week for us. JT got an ear infections. Apparently the ear plugs that we had custom made for him leak enough water that with all the swim it got into the ear to give him a really bad infection. He did sleep well for about 4 days. He has been and still is on 2 antibiotics. He is getting better now. It was a rough couple of days for him (and us). He ended up missing swim practice all week. I wasn't sure if he would get to swim in his last meet. He decide that even though his ear still hurt a little he wanted to swim so we let him. The boys had the big champs meet on Friday. They both did so good. Improving on their times. Here are pictures of each of the boys doing their backstroke. I love this one of Dylan's take off.

Here is JT. He is the one on the left.
I didn't take many more as I was trying to video tape it, and it was very crowded and hard to get a good picture around everyone.

We came home after that and relaxed for awhile. This was one of the most relaxing 4ths we have ever had. We use to do big parties, but I didn't think I could pull it off with the meet and us having to get up so early that morning and knew we would be too tired. We never even made it out to buy fireworks which is so not like us. Luckily for us we still had a few small things left over from New Years Eve. Here is Emily having fun with a sparkler:

JT with his:
Dylan didn't really care about doing fireworks. He did enjoy some watermelon from Aunt Charla though:

That was about it for us, I know kind of boring, huh? Now we have a few weeks of rest until soccer season starts.

1 comment:

The Norman Family said...

Awww - poor JT! I hope he feels better soon!