Friday, October 17, 2008

Fall ball

I always have said I wouldn't let the kids play more than one sport per season, but JT was asked last spring to join a select baseball team which pretty much plays year round, so we allowed him to play that and other sports too. Well a few weeks ago a friend of ours asked if Dylan could join her sons select baseball team at least for the next few weeks. So we agreed, here is Dylan getting ready for a game:

Well before Dylan was asked to play on the select team he begged us to let him play fall ball. Well he is already playing soccer so I didn't really want to, but he loves baseball and was moving up from tball to pee wee this year so we gave in and let him play. Here are some pictures from his first game:

Well once we caved and let Dylan play we went ahead and let JT play fall ball too because he was moving up from pee wee to minors. Here are some pictures from his second game:
Of course when the coach asked if anyone wanted to try to catch, JT said he wanted to try so towards the end of the game he put JT in as a catcher. He did pretty good:

So yes, I am crazy and running around like a mad women trying to get 3 kids to soccer twice a week plus games on Saturday, plus fall ball for 2 boys with one practice and one game a week, plus both boys have practice with their select teams and sometimes games or tournaments with that so, no we are never home which is why I said I would never let this happen. How did I let this happen? I have sucker written on my forehead and my kids know it, but they are happy and having a ball so that is what matters most, so you might not here much from me until December when things slow down (I hope)!

1 comment:

stephanie T said...

i feel your pain (running around taking kids places)!!!