Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Soccer season is a little over half way finished. It has been a great season so far. All the kids are doing great. This past weekend we got a group rate with our soccer club to go to the Houston Dynamo's soccer game. They were playing the L.A. Galaxy (David Beckham's team). We also got to go on the field and make a rally tunnel. We didn't get to pick which rally tunnel we would be doing, but we got to do the rally tunnel for the Galaxy which was fine by me as we got to see and hi-five David Beckham. Here are the kids waiting to go on the field:

Here is most of our group who went to the game:

The kids waiting on the field for the players:Todd and I on the field:
This is the Houston Dynamo side:

Dynamo Dancers:

L.A. Galaxy:

David Beckham and yes he is just as good looking in person as he is on t.v. and magazines:

Here are some of my little soccer players. This is from a few weeks ago. Dylan making a pass:

JT going to score:



Emily #6 in orange:
Emily trying to get a good spot:

The kids are loving soccer and they had a blast watching the pro's play. Will be kind of sad once the season is over.

1 comment:

stephanie T said...

david beckham, AHHHHHHHHHHH lucky!