Thursday, September 17, 2009

All caught up!

Some have asked when I was going to update my blog. It kind of got away from me for awhile. I wasn't sure if I would even try to catch up or not, but I think this is a great way for me to remember what all we have done so even if no one else looks at it again, I still will be able to print this out and look at all the wonderful things we have done. And all the running around we have done too! So I hope you enjoy, it is a lot of reading and a LOT of pictures, there were over 1,000 to go through and try to pick out just a few, now that is hard. I hope to try to stay on top of it again, but with all that we have going on I will make no promises.

Also want to wish some happy late birthdays and some that are coming up this month. Late birthday wishes are sent out to Kellie (Todd's cousin) in August, as well as my sisters Norma, Christy and Susan, and Todd's brother Tyson. Also to Justin (my nephew). Other birthdays coming up in September that we want to wish birthday wishes too are Todd's Uncle Steve, my nephew Joey, Todd's cousin Lana, and Mac and Anthony (Todd's cousin's son and husband). Sorry for the late ones and hope you have a wonderful day for the upcoming ones. Also happy late Anniversary to my wonderful in laws who celebrated 42 years!! Much love and blessings!

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