Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hang on to your hats, cause here we go....

I am not sure I did this in a good order. It starts with the most recent and goes back to the older stuff. I had to go through 600+ pictures and tried to only pick a few and some events I just didn't put in at all, but they were nothing big.

So last weekend we celebrated Emily's birthday, yes her birthday is not until next week, but it was the only free time we had until end of June almost July. She wanted a Mad Science party like JT had on his 9th birthday so that is what we did. I made the invitation almost like JT's, but changed it a little:

And I had the cake match her invitation:

The lady was great and the kids had a blast:

My nephew Justin and my niece Cassie both graduated from High School this past weekend. We are very proud of both of them. Here is Justin at his graduation:

Here is Cassie:

The end of the school year brought awards. All 3 of the kids did great and got many awards:

Memorial weekend officially kicked off swim season for the kids with the splash meet being held that Saturday. The kids did great and got many ribbons. Here are my 3 angels right before the first race:
Emily and her good friend write "Eat my bubbles" on their backs!

Emily's push off on the 25 back:

This is JT on either the 25 breast or 25 free:

JT dive in on the 25 fly:

Emily getting ready to dive in for 25 free:

Dylan off the blocks for the 50 free:

Dylan and 3 friends from his class along with the dad of one of the kids did the school talent show. They played instruments/sang to Octopus Garden. It was cute and they did an awesome job:

JT's class studied Greek Mythology for a long time this year. They each picked a god, goddess or hero to study. He did Jason and the Argonauts. They had to create an artifact from their person and he did the boat. They had to write a speech telling about their person and make a costume, then they put on a wax museum were each kid wore their costume and when you came up to them they would do their speech. After that they divided into teams and had a toga Olympics were they competed in wrestling (flag pulling) fencing, discus throw and chariot races (wheel barrel races). It was cute and JT's team won the Olympics:

In early May the school had buddy day. You and a classmate get to go outside and play games together. Usually you dress alike too. Here is Emily and her buddy (who is her cousin):

Dylan and his buddy for the day:

JT and his buddy:

The 4th grade classes took a field trip to Moody Gardens to walk through the aquarium and to see an IMAX:

The 2nd grade classes went to The Houston Arboretum for their field trip:

Baseball season has come and gone already. JT decided he didn't want to play this year so we said, no problem, by the middle of the season he regretted that decision and can't wait until next year when he can play again. Opening day was end of March. Here is Dylan's team (front row in blue) at opening day:
They had all kinds of games and stuff for the kids to do that day:

Dylan (#16) coming off first base to make the catch:
Ready on first:
Sliding into home (almost taking out his teammate):
After taking 2nd in the end of season tournament the boys poured water on the coach:
Getting tournament trophy from the coach:
Then it was time for the end of season party at the park with pizza and season trophies to hand out:

All 3 kids had to do a science fair project this year. Emily had to make a model on something they studied this year and she chose to do the water cycle. Dylan had to make a model of something too and he did how fossils are formed. JT did an experiment on what would cool your mouth after eating something spicy. They all did great Emily made it into the final 5 but didn't place top 3, but JT got 3rd in his group and Dylan while he worked hard didn't do as well, but it was great!

Easter was celebrated many times. We went to Todd's aunt and uncle with all the cousins for lunch one day. One day we spent with my family at a big picnic and then the kids hunted eggs at Mimi and Popsy's:

We took the kids out to the rodeo to see Keith Urban. We went out early and met up with the Gordon's and played out at the fair before we went in to watch the show:
At the beginning of spring break we let the kids pick out new sheets for their rooms and then pick out paint to repaint their rooms, they were so excited and couldn't wait to paint. JT picked out camo, Dylan picked out UT and Emily picked out monkey's:
The boys played in the spring soccer league and did really well. Their team stayed together from the fall and indoor and hopefully will be ready to go for the fall:

The end of spring break we went camping with the Donaho's at Wolf Creek Park. This was the first time we had taken the kids tent camping and they loved it and can't wait to do it again. I prefer the RV or cabin, but I am sure we will tent camp again:

The 1st grade classes got to go to the Houston Zoo for their field trip. This was not long after Emily got her stitches (come back soon for info on that) and so I pulled her around in a wagon all day:

So this is most of March-to first part of June. I do have a few things I will share, I feel they need their own post, but don't have any more time to catch up right now so stayed tune!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW VAL! The kids are getting SO BIG! Like literally, I can't believe it! Thanks for sharing! I need to catch up on mine too! ~Care