Sunday, July 18, 2010

Champs swim meet

Saturday was the kids last regular season swim meet. It was the big swim meet of the season called Champs, it is where all 10 teams from our league compete. The kids did great, every one of them set a new fastest personal time. We are very proud of how well they did. At this meet you get medals for 1st-3rd and ribbons for finishing 4th-8th. Of the 9 events the 3 of them competed in they came home with 2 bronze medals, and 4 ribbons.

Here is JT swimming the 100 IM, were he has to swim one length of the pool in all 4 strokes. Here is some of his butterfly:

Then his backstroke:

Did not get a good clear picture of his breaststroke and didn't post any of the free. He took 5 seconds off his previous fastest time.
Here JT is in his 25 free. He hadn't swam this but one time during the regular season, but swam it at champs and did great taking off 1 1/2 seconds from the first time he did it:

JT also did the 25 breaststroke and set a new fastest time for that.
Emily did her 2 usual events of 25 back:

taking off 2 seconds from her previous time, it was a very sad day for her though as the DQ her even though she finished 2nd because they said she hit the wall at a 45 degree angle and not straight on.
But she went on to compete in her 25 free and did great:

Dylan had a long day as he had 4 events to compete in. We have been working hard with him on his dive ins as you should go in the water with your feet together, but he always has one foot bent. Well as you can see he kept the bent foot at the meet. This is him on this dive in for the 50 free:

Him returning from the wall back to other wall in his 50 free:

His 25 free (with bent leg again):

and swimming one of the 2 relays he was on:

Overall it was a good day, just very HOT!! Now the question is, do we swim regionals to try to qualify for State, or do we call it quits and just relax the last 5 weeks of summer? That will be a decision the kids will have to make for themselves.
After the meet we were all hungry so we went with Julie and Mike and their kids to Cafe Adobe for lunch.
I think the sun had gotten to JT as he was goofy:
Megan, Emily, Nicole, JT, Ryan and Dylan :

Behind the restaurant was a little pond with ducks and turtles, the kids had fun chasing the ducks:

One last shot of the kids out front:

Thanks for going to lunch with us!
It won't be long and school will be starting. It's time to start back to school shopping, but we do have a few more little things planned to do with the kids like Galveston Schlitterbahn hopefully one day this week if the rain holds off and then the kids start soccer camp the end of July, and then mid August we are taking them to the Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, they can't wait. Hope everyone else has an exciting and blessed rest of the summer, school will start before we know it!

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