Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fun in the water

Well it is it a bitter sweet day today. Swim is officially done for the year for us. I am happy and sad, it is alot of fun, but very time consuming. JT is the only one of my kids who wanted to swim Regionals over the weekend. He did great personally, in 2 of the 3 events setting new personal best times, but not good enough to make it to state. We are very proud of him! The other 2 were just plain tired of swim team ( as they still want to swim every day in our pool) and didn't want to swim Regionals, which is fine, as they are ready for soccer to start which does tomorrow. No rest for the weary.

Thursday night we had our end of swim team party at our practice pool. It was a fun time, with food, music, swimming, friends and awards. This is the 8 and under boys (Dylan 2nd from left) getting their trophies:

The 8 and under boys getting medals for those who had at least one top ten time for our whole league:

The 9-10 boys (JT in front with white and green shorts on):

The 8 and under girls:

Emily with her medal for placing in the top 10 for our league in both her events for the season:

The coaches also gave out some fun awards and Emily won one of them for "Ms. Sunshine" always coming to practice with a smile:

The kids had fun jumping off the diving boards:

and hanging out with their friends:

JT flipping off:


and Dylan flipping:

What a great night to end a great season!!!
On Tuesday Todd was off so we went to Galveston and went to Schlitterbahn. As we were going in we ran into some of the boys friends.
Dylan and a friend going down the rapids:
After swimming for awhile the kids got hungry, Dylan wanted this big turkey leg, it's almost as big as he is:

The boys had fun on the boogie bahn:

While floating the lazy river we got a family picture, my lens wasn't clean from all the water splashes so you can't see Emily very good:

JT relaxing down the rapids:

Emily and Dylan headed down the rapids:

Todd and JT:

The kids waiting to go up:

The kids swimming:

Time for Dippin Dots:

It was a fun day and a little more crowded than I expected for a Tuesday. After we had enough we went to our favorite Mexican Food Restaurant on the Island:

Now we are down to the last 4 weeks of summer. I have taken care of all 3 kids school supplies and clothes shopping so they are ready to go. Swim is over soccer is starting and we still have a few things to do before the summer ends. The kids are very excited about going to Grape Wolf Lodge next month and I am ready for the get away too!

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