Friday, August 13, 2010

Soccer and more

Well it's August so that means it is soccer season around here! The kids couldn't be more excited. We kicked off the official soccer season by having the kids do a week long camp with our club trainer and owner/coach of the Galveston Pirates Brendan Keyes. It was great as he had some of his players out there to help run the camp and the kids loved interacting with these semi-pro soccer players (many who I guarantee will be pro soon).

Emily at camp (blue skirt with white trim and pink socks) was tearing it up. Soccer is her favorite sport of all times:

Here she is on another day practicing goal kicks:

Not sure what was up with her and the skirt thing, or skort (skirt with shorts) as she wore one everyday to camp.

Dylan chasing down one of the Pirate players:

Dylan again:

Seeing as Dylan plays up 2 years on his regular soccer team we had him also in the higher age group at camp so he was in the same group as JT.

JT (baby blue shirt, orange socks, don't ask) facing off at camp with another player:

JT at camp practicing his juggling skills:

On Friday we had camp at League City sportsplex and after camp the Galveston Pirates played a scrimmage game and we stayed and watched:

One of the Pirates 4 goals that game:

They won 4-0!

Part of the camp package was getting 6 free tickets to watch the Pirates play at their home field on Galveston Island. Here they are walking on the field with their pirate mascot:

It was a hard fought game, but sad to report they did end up losing.

At half time Brendan gave out awards from the camp. JT was picked MVP boy for his age group:

Emily was also picked MVP for girls in her age group:

Then they announced the MVP of the whole camp, I believe this was voted on by the coaches. All the kids wanted to win this, but had prepared my kids that I figure it would be one of the older kids who would win it, but to my surprise (and yes my jaw hit the ground when they announced the winner) Emily won:

Poor Dylan, I wish he could have won one too, maybe if we would have let him participate in his age group he would have. Coach Brendan has already told him though if he scores a goal in the first game he had a trophy for him.

After the game some of us went to eat, where else, we are on the island, so of course it was Salsas. Some of the kids while we waited for them to put that big of a table together:

Some of the kids table:

The kids had fun at the camp and it got them back into soccer mode. The boys will be playing in a tournament next weekend and the regular season will start September 11. Sure hope it cools off soon as practices sure have been HOT!!

At the end of July we met some friends at the skating rink for some fun. Here are some doing the Cha Cha slide (Emily in white shirt, blue jeans and white skates, Dylan in back with grey shirt and black shorts):

Then it was time for red light green light:

Then they have to play balloon soccer:

Then "Every limbo boy and girl, all around the limbo world...." JT:


Some of the girls taking a break:

One Sunday afternoon Popsy and Mimi took us to lunch at yummy Cheddars and then to ride go-carts. Emily isn't tall enough to ride by herself so here she is one time with Uncle Tyson:



Then one of the rides Emily rode with Todd:



It was a nice Sunday afternoon!

Well with one of my nieces and one of my nephews getting ready to leave for college next week, I thought it would be nice to have a family dinner before they left. Also thought it would be nice to try and get some family pictures done. Everything was pretty and green around so we were going to do it outside, well the weather had a different plan, not long before time to go outside, it started pouring down rain. So we just did them in my living room, good thing I have never really decorated yet (after living here 11 years, sad I know) as it gave us a blank area for the pictures.

Here is a picture of all but one of my nieces and nephews:

Then my mom and dad with all but 1 of their grandchildren:

My mom and dad with their kids and their kids spouses (missing a sister):

My sister Susan and brother in law Hank with their kids Hank, Tori and Justin:

My brother Michael and Sarah with their kids Saliah, Linus and Lucy:

My sister Christy and Ken with their kids Cassie and Joey:

Todd and I with our kids:

Here are my parents granddaughters:

My parents grandsons (minus one):

Here is the family (minus a sister and a her son):
It was a nice time even with the rain, which of course stopped and cleared up and turned out to be a nice rest of the day!
I did make Justin and Cassie cards that I got the idea from
Using their college colors and the distance from their house to their college her are the cards. Cassie who is going to Sam Houston State (orange and white):
Justin who is going to Texas State University (they are maroon and gold):

I know they will both do well and we couldn't be more proud of the them!

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