Sunday, July 24, 2011

Part 1-San Francisco

One day Mimi and Popsy asked if we wanted to take a trip out to California, we said sure sounds like fun, so we started planning. At first we talked about driving it and going to see Grand Canyon and other things between here and there, but the more we thought about it we weren't sure if we wanted to, so we decided to fly. We left early Saturday afternoon out of Hobby and few into LAX. JT, me and Tyson on the way out:

Popsy, Emily and Mimi getting ready to take off:

Todd and Dylan:

There were several things we all wanted to do and see. Once we landed we got a SUV and decided we would go ahead and drive out to San Francisco. It was a pretty long drive, but we made it Saturday evening.

Sunday morning we got up and headed out to go do some sightseeing. It was cold. Well only like the low 60's but after just leaving the high 90's it felt cold, and good, to us. First stop was the Golden Gate bridge. It was hazy that morning, but we drove across the bridge:

On the other side we pulled over and parked to take some pictures:

Todd and I, you know if he is wearing pants and a jacket, it must be cold, he wears shorts around here year round:

The kids, Emily was cold and tired and didn't want to be in any pictures, but oh well:

We loaded up and went back over the bridge down to Fisherman's Wharf area:

We took a tour of an old submarine and next to that was this old fashioned game room, so we let the kids go inside and play some of the games. Emily played this Adam's family game where you have to hold the handles until you light up the bulb, she did it on low and never let go until the light bulb lit up:

JT was gonna do it, but changed his mind, so Dylan did it next, but he put it on high and hung on til the light bulb came on:

So then JT thought he would try again, he put it on high, hung on, but let go right before he got the light bulb on, he didn't like the way it felt:

This was a cute little farm when you put quarters in came on and all the things spun and danced and sang, etc.:

Then the boys and Todd and Tyson tried out this arm wrestling game, of course Todd beat it:

Right outside the game room on the pier you could see Alcatraz:

We walked down towards Pier 39 and they had this Rockin Jet Boat that went out in the bay, sounded fun, so we took a spin on it. Here we were just getting on:

I couldn't take many pictures on the boat ride, as it was not a relaxing one, the driver took us out spun us around and kept getting us wet, but I did get a few photos while out in the water:

A closer shot of Alcatraz:

The few sea lions that were out as we were coming back in:

Then we walked on over to Pier 39 and went to the Aquarium by the Bay:

Some of the jelly fish in the aquarium:

As we were walking through some divers were inside cleaning the glass:

The kids petting sting rays and baby shark:

After we saw all we wanted we had lunch and then headed over to ride the trolley cars. Emily and JT both wanted to stand up:

Getting ready to leave:

It's a little scary when you have to pass another car coming your way, had to make sure the kids leaned in:

Emily hanging on the front as we head down the hill:

We got off in town and then rode back out to where we were parked, Emily froze being on the front so on the way back she sat and JT took over the front:

San Francisco was nice, we enjoyed all the hills, but we had more fun things to do, so we went back to the hotel to get ready for the next adventure on our trip. We were getting up Monday morning and driving back to LA.

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