Sunday, July 24, 2011


After returning from our week vacation to California, Todd still had almost another week off before having to go back to work. Sunday and Monday we got caught up on house stuff and Tuesday we went and did all the kids school shopping so Wednesday we thought it would be fun to go to Schlitterbahn in Galveston. One of the boys soccer teammate/friend came with us. Here they are getting ready to hit the water:

Emily and I floating around relaxing in the water:

Todd and the kids:

Todd riding the rapids:

The kids coming down the rapids:

The kids love going around by the big waves:

Me just relaxing:

The kids swimming:

we mainly stayed in the area you float around the river:

When the waves would come through the kids would see if they could reach up and touch the top of the wall:

taking a ride up instead of walking:

The kids didn't really ride many of the water slides, they don't like waiting in line, they would just rather float around in the water, but they did get in line and ride the boogie board one time, except Emily, she didn't want to. Here is Dylan:



Even Todd rode:

After swimming for awhile we took a break and got some dippin dots:

We had a great day!

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