Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Do you just ever have one of those days?

Well today is mine. Nothing major or really bad happening just a day that has been trying my patience,which is a little thin already! When I gave the kids a bath tonight I walked away for just a few minutes and when I came back, the kids had water everywhere. JT thought it was funny to lean against the jets and have the water spray everywhere (and I mean every where). Dylan thought it was funny to take one of those splash balls and throw it up to the ceiling and leave marks all over it. Then I don't know how much bubble bath they used (or should I say shampoo because we are currently out of bubble bath) but mix that with the jets of the whirlpool and there were bubble everywhere.

The worst thing today though has to be the boys were wrestling in the living room, I had told them to stop and then I told JT to get started on his homework. I went into the kitchen to wash my hands and next thing I know Dylan is crying and comes running in the kitchen holding his mouth with blood just pouring out. He says JT kicked him. So JT comes running in there and says that Dylan was holding onto his leg so he kicked trying to get him off. Well once I got the bleeding under control we noticed something funny! Dylan was missing his other front tooth. Yep, JT knocked it out, it wasn't even loose. We can't find it either so I don't know if he swallowed it or what. Dylan was already missing one from running in the house and falling and hitting his tooth on the door jam in the hall, now the other one is missing from horseplaying. I am not happy about it at all. Who knows when they will come in and I am afraid this is going to affect his speech. Ughh! Well at least we are all alive and healthy. Here is a picture of my toothless little man.


The Norman Family said...

I'm sorry that your day yesterday was hard, Val! We DO all have days like those. Also sorry to hear about Dylan's tooth! I hope he didn't swallow it! Keep us updated and hang in there! It sounds like a night of scrappin' is in order!

stephanie T said...

sounds like a pretty rough day! glad nothing happened more than a missing tooth.. but still EEK! bloody mouth is not fun. hope your day is better today!