Sunday, June 22, 2008

Emily is 5!!!

It is still hard to believe that my baby is 5! She turned 5 on June 16. We had a little party here at the house the Saturday before her birthday. We were blessed to have lots of family and friends come and feel really blessed by all those who came in from out of town! Thank you so much for making the trip!

Here is Emily at the hospital the day we brought her home:

This is her at her party playing in the little pool with her cousin Linus:Here she is sliding down the slide with some of her friends:Here she is with her 2nd or 3rd cousin (Todd's cousins daughter) Lila eating pizza:All the kids lined up to hit the pinata:Emily with her cakeBlowing out her candles:She got lots of great presents and was so excited over all of them. One of them was that 3D chalk. The kids got up the next morning and tried it out. It really does have a floating (3D) effect, it was really neat!


stephanie T said...

she looks like a baby doll in the hospital picture

Cassie said...

I can't believe she is 5 and will be going to Kindergarten this year!!

I remember when she turned 2 and I had met you guys before at Joe's Crab shack...remember???