Monday, June 2, 2008

Almost done!

It is so hard to believe that school will let out at the end of this week! I am so happy, I can't wait. It is harder to believe that come August all my kids will be in school. Emily is so excited she can't wait to go to school and Dylan is excited because next year when he goes to first and he will finally get homework. He is so funny! He loves school and he has tried and wanted to do JT's homework all year because he never got any. The sad thing is he could do it too! JT is indifferent. He likes seeing his friends and some subjects at school, but would rather stay home.

My nephew Hank is raising a pig this year for FFA. The kids and I got to go out to the barn and see Oreo for the first time. He is cute! JT now wants to raise a pig! You can see why he got his name:
Even after watching Hank pick up poo, JT said he still wants to do this.

Here is one of Hank training it.

We had a nice weekend. Saturday the boys had a swim meet. They did great. Then we had a birthday party to go to. On Sunday we were all exhausted so we slept in late and then after lunch some of my nieces and nephews came over to play. My sister and mom and dad came over for awhile too so we pulled out the water slide for the first time this year and then we went swimming. It was a beautiful day!

Now to make it through this week and then it will be summer! Hope everyone has a great week!

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