Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!

Just wanted to wish my wonderful husband, my father, father in law, brother and all my brother in laws and of course all friends a Happy Father's Day! We went to Pappasito's for lunch with my in laws and my parents. The food was yummy as always.

We have had a crazy weekend (what else is new) and I have a lot to share, but too tired tonight and we are leaving out of town tomorrow so I will post it next weekend or first of next week so please check back.

I do want to wish my baby girl a Happy 5th Birthday! I can't believe it has already been 5 years. We love you very much!


The Norman Family said...

Emily is FIVE already? Holy cow! They DO grow up fast! Happy Birthday, Emily!

Cassie said...

Happy Birthday Emily!

I can't believe she is 5!! I remember when she turned 2!!!!