Saturday, September 6, 2008

Long time...

Since I last posted. Everyone keeps asking me what I have been up to with all the kids in school. Well for most of the 1st week they were in school, I was sick so didn't do much of anything. The past week has been busy with soccer and homework and all that fun stuff. I have also been trying to get caught up on my house work. Next week I am hoping to get back to the gym and start working out again. Also I want to get to work on my scrapbooks. I am going away again at the end of this month for a weekend scrapbook retreat and I want to finish the one I was working on last time I went so I can get started on Emily's book when I go this time.

Last weekend I went to watch one of my nieces, Tori. She is cheering and dancing for one of the football teams. They were so much fun to watch. Here is a picture of her cheering, (she is the tall one in the middle back)

Here she is after they got through with their half time dance. They did so good.
Dylan and Emily had their first soccer game today. When I get the pictures uploaded I will share. They did so good. They won (not that we are suppose to keep score at their age). The whole team did great. Should be a great season. JT's team had a buy this week so they won't start until next week.

The weather was wonderful this morning and hope it starts staying like this. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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