Thursday, December 27, 2007


Just wanted to say that I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas. We did. Was great spending time with our loved ones, but it went by way to quick. At least the kids don't go back to school for a few more days and we don't have any sports practice or games until January, maybe give me time to get caught up on my rest.

Here is the kids waiting patiently to open their presents Christmas morning.

For some reason I didn't take many photos this year. I didn't get any from Christmas Day at my in laws. I know she did and she gave me a copy of her pictures, but for some reason the disc isn't working. Here is a photo from Christmas Eve with my family. This is my kids, nieces and nephews (minus one nephew).

Thanks for stopping by and wish you and yours a safe and blessed New Year!

Emily's craft day

So one day at Walmart we see this package of different kool aid lipgloss/chapstick. Emily begs for it, but she already has a ton, she love lipgloss. So I told her we could get it, but that we were going to make a holder for it so she could give them away to some friends. She picked out the color paper she wanted and the stamp set she wanted to use and then I let her color it. I just cut everything and put it together, she did the rest by herself. I thought I would share the finished project as it turned out cute.
She loves to sit and work on projects when I am doing mine. Won't be long and I will have this girl scrapbooking!

Christmas Card and other craft stuff.

Well I was pretty busy in December making a few things like my Christmas card and other little gifts. Had lots of fun making them and thought I would share them.
Here was this year's Christmas card:

Dylan's class did a penny present exchange. You were suppose to bring something for around a penny to a quarter for every kid in his class. We gave colors and this little Christmas coloring book that I made for them:

I also made some little york peppermint pattie things:

I also made these cute snowman kisses that had tic tac's in them:

Here is a bag topper that I made to put on top of the bags that the snowman pretzels that we made were going in as well as a picture of our sad little snowmen, they didn't turn out that great:

We made the carrot noses to big so they look a little more like ducks than snowman, but they tasted great.

Here it is all together. This was part of the kids present to their teachers:

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Playing around

Go check out Todd and the kids:

Hey, I just made a total elf of myself. Check it out by clicking the link below. This elfin' greeting brought to you by OfficeMax®

and here is me:

Check it out. I just Scrooged myself. Have a look by clicking on the link below. holiday greeting brought to you by OfficeMax®.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Are you finished Christmas shopping? We are almost. It is a busy time of year. The kids have all started basketball. We are on Christmas break so have this week off, but the boys are playing indoor soccer too and don't take off much time for the holidays. So we are pretty much gone 5 days a week at something. I think I must be crazy. The kids are loving it and having so much fun. Here are some pictures from their first basketball games:

Don't have any good ones of the indoor soccer as the lighting is really bad in there and it makes it hard to take action photos without good lighting.

I got the kids to sit still long enough to take a few photos for the Christmas cards. It wasn't easy and didn't get many good ones, but here is one they wanted to do and it turned out cute, but not the one I used for the cards.

The one I put on the Christmas cards was JT's idea (if you read my blog it is a pose you will recognize). It was the one daddy liked the best. I will post the card I made as well as a few other things I have been working on as soon as I get it all done.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

At least at the McCoy house it is. We found time in our busy weekend to start getting ready for Christmas. We got the tree up and decorated and got the outside lights up too. Want to see all our hard work? Of course you do. As the kids are getting older they are wanting to help more, so they did most of the tree and even went outside and helped daddy hang the lights.

Dylan didn't help because as he climbed the ladder he got scared. Welcome to Texas, as you can see we it was still warm enough to be outside hanging Christmas lights in shorts and t-shirts. Here is the finished product:

Now sometime I need to get started on my Christmas cards. Don't think it will be this weekend as between the 3 kids we have 3 basketball games and 2 soccer games. Don't think I will have time for much else, sure hope I get to sleep. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Justin's Basketball Tournament

My nephew Justin plays basketball on the sophomore team at his High School. This past weekend they played in a tournament at their school. They lost the first game, but shouldn't have. They just couldn't get it together as a team, but they went on to win the rest of the games for Consolation plaque. Here is a picture of Justin shooting (and yes he did make this shot):

Here is a picture of his team with their award. They were awesome! (Sorry it is a little blurry)

Monday, December 3, 2007

Mom's Birthday

We went out to eat for my mom's birthday Saturday night. My dad and all of us kids chipped in to get her a new purse. I hope she liked it. I made her a purse card. I just used a template from the coluzzle cutting system. Here it is closed:

And then open:

Here is a picture of my mom holding my brothers son Linus in an outfit that was my brothers when he was a baby:

This is mom blowing out her candles. I hope all her wishes come true! Love you mom!

And no the icing on her cake was not black. It was really dark purple. Next time we order a cake I will have to make sure to say light purple.


Look at the top at my new slide show. Just thought I would share some of the photos from Thanksgiving day and from Friday after Thanksgiving. It was wonderful to get to spend time with all our family. We truly are blessed and had many things to be thankful for.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

I am a little late as it is after midnight, but wanted to wish my mom a Happy Birthday! Her birthday was November 30. We will be going out to dinner tomorrow night. Now I need to make her a card!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, we have just been so busy. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We did, I ate way too much especially of my moms fudge. This is a picture of Todd and I and the kids on Thursday at my mother in laws. On Friday we had our family over at our house.

Now it is time to get ready for Christmas! It is hard to believe it is almost here. We went and got our tree this evening and will hopefully get it decorated tomorrow or Sunday.

I have added a song play list to my blog so I hope you enjoy it! I put some Christmas music on it to get everyone in the holiday spirit, but also put a few other songs on including an oldie or two from my childhood! Hope everyone has a blessed day and will get some more pictures up soon!