Thursday, December 6, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

At least at the McCoy house it is. We found time in our busy weekend to start getting ready for Christmas. We got the tree up and decorated and got the outside lights up too. Want to see all our hard work? Of course you do. As the kids are getting older they are wanting to help more, so they did most of the tree and even went outside and helped daddy hang the lights.

Dylan didn't help because as he climbed the ladder he got scared. Welcome to Texas, as you can see we it was still warm enough to be outside hanging Christmas lights in shorts and t-shirts. Here is the finished product:

Now sometime I need to get started on my Christmas cards. Don't think it will be this weekend as between the 3 kids we have 3 basketball games and 2 soccer games. Don't think I will have time for much else, sure hope I get to sleep. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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