Thursday, June 5, 2008

IT'S OVER!!!!!!

School that is! I no longer have a kindergartner and 2nd grader. Come August I will have a new kindergartner and a 1st and 3rd grader. So hard to believe as it feels as just yesterday they were born. On Tuesday JT had an awards ceremony. He got so many awards, we couldn't be more proud of him. He had a terrific year!

Here is one of the 5 of us after the awards:

Today Dylan graduated from kindergarten. They were all so cute in their caps and gowns. They came on stage and sang a cute song about going to first grade and then they did a slide show from the past year of school. It was very cute. Then they got their little diplomas and at the end they came back and sang two more songs. Here is Dylan, he is on the front in the center:

Afterwards we went back to his class and took pictures with his friends and teacher and one of the 5 of us. Hey that is twice in one week were all 5 of us are in a picture together!

He is now ready for the 1st grade! We went to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate.

We are so proud of our two angels. They both had great year and worked hard. Now it is time for a little fun and relaxation! I hope anyways!


The Norman Family said...

Great pics - so proud of the kiddos! I can't believe that they will all 3 be in school next year! WOW! Time sure does fly!

stephanie T said...

wow! all 3 will be in school- time goes by so fast! what are your summer plans?