Sunday, June 22, 2008

Playing with cousins

So like I said in a past post the weekend of Emily's birthday we had family in from out of town and they stayed through the weekend. So after lunch on Sunday the kids wanted to cool off in the pool. Dylan, Emily, Lila and Alyssa are waiting for the water to fill up:

Alanna, Alyssa, Lila, Emily and Dylan splash around:
Alanna loved having the water hose, but would cry if it accidentally turned and got her wet. Here she is getting Alyssa, Lila and Dylan.
JT had been playing at Mimi and Popsy's house. He wanted them to take him to the tractor supply so he could buy a trap and trap wild rabbits (there are lots of them out here). I said no we already had one rabbit and didn't need any more especially wilds ones as they may have diseases. He was not happy about that and sat out by the driveway pouting for 30 minutes or more. I guess he thought I would give in, but I didn't.

1 comment:

stephanie T said...

oh my gosh, that is too funny- pouting all alone in the driveway! priceless~