Thursday, September 25, 2008

Back to School

I just dropped the kids off at school. This is their first day back since before Ike. It has been 2 weeks today since they were let out. It was nice having them home, but they were starting to get bored and want to pick fights so it couldn't have come at a better time. Things are slowly getting back to normal around here. Soccer has still been cancelled for this weekend, but JT's team has gone back to practice this week and Dylan and Emily's team go back on Monday. Hope everyone else around here is just about back to normal too!


stephanie T said...

yay for school being back! :) ps- do they have to wear uniforms (polo shirt, etc)? or was it just dress down day?

Valarie said...

Yes yay for school! Yes they do have to wear uniforms, but they sale t-shirts that are school approved or you can wear yellowjackets t-shirt anyday.