Friday, January 16, 2009

Better late than never!

Well I was going to try to make this short and sweet since it is such old news, but didn't. Compared to the few hundred pictures I took during the Christmas season this is short. Christmas started off crazy for us. The last week the kids were in school I came down with strep throat so I was out of commission most of that week. So Todd brought home a tree one day from work and he and the kids decorated it:

Here is what it looked liked finished. It killed me not to move the ornaments around into some of the holes, but I left it for the most part. You know when one would accidentally fall I would pick it back up and put it in an empty spot:

Friday Todd's cousin and family came in from Orange and we got to spend some time with them. Here is Emily and her (what 2nd,3rd?cousin, Todd's cousins daughter) Lila:

And this was a special treat as this was the first time we were getting to meet the new member of the family Maxwell:

While they were here we took Emily, Lila and Dylan (JT didn't want to go and Maxwell was a little too young) to the local church to ride the Christmas train and jump on the moon walks and eat cotton candy:

Then on Saturday we had Christmas with the my side of the family at our house. Here is a picture of my kids and all of my nieces and all but one of my nephews:

Some of the present action from that night:

Here is my sister Christy and Ken playing each other at tennis on the Wii, they also had to box and play the Olympic games which some of the kids joined them for. Christy had never played before:

Then on Sunday we went to Todd's parents house to have Christmas with them:

Emily got a smart cycle:

The boys got new bikes:

Uncle Tyson even bought our pet rabbit Tyler a present:

The boys had fun playing Fishinopoly:

While Emily did her new dolls hair:

Popsy and Mimi bought Emily this quilt that you have to tie all the fringed ends of each square together. We (I) had fun doing it. I let Emily lay out the pattern that she wanted:

Here it is finished:

So then we had the rest of the week to get ready for Santa. On Monday we had taken JT back to the doctor as he was starting to say "What" again alot lately. Turns out the fluid build up was back and he was suggesting we get another set of tubes and take out the adenoids this time. Christmas Eve night the stockings were hung by the chimney with care:

The kids woke us up about 7:00 ready to go through their stuff and open the rest of the presents:

My nephew Justin must have been real good because this is what Santa brought him:

So for lunch on Christmas my mother in law invited everyone over for one of her delishes meals. The kids all get new golf sets from Santa and while they waited on lunch they took a few practice hits out back:

Then it was time for lunch:

We all had such a wonderful Christmas and were very blessed to spend so much time with family. The day after Christmas we had to be at the hospital at 6:00 so that JT could have his surgery. I didn't bring my camera this time, I was too tired,but it all went well and he is just fine and hearing great again.

1 comment:

stephanie T said...

holy cow, a CAR! nice! i love that quilt emily made