Wednesday, September 16, 2009

End of school-June

Ok, here we go, this is June going backwards to the end of May. I know it is a little late, but it has been a busy year (or couple of months). Emily turned 6 and begged to have her party at Chuck E. Cheese. Dad didn't want to, because he feels with a summer birthday we should take advantage of being able to do it outside like swimming or something, but it is her birthday so he did give in. She was so excited:

She was blessed by all her friends and family for coming and had a great time.

The beginning of June we took a day to go fishing. JT's favorite thing to do.

Everyone caught something, not all keepers, but it is just as much fun to catch and release. This little fish was a tough one to reel in.
May starts swim team for the kids. They love it. Here is Dylan on the ready bench:

He is in lane 2 from the left swimming the 25 free ( I think he won 3rd in his heat):

JT (white cap with the green A) diving in for the 50 free:He finished 3rd place in his heat for 50 free:

Emily (white cap and pink goggles) in her very first race.

She won 1st in her heat:

Towards the end of school was also the end of girl scouts. Her troop leaders put on a mini carnival outside the girl scout house to celebrate. They had games to play, a pinata to brake, snow cones, popcorn, cotton candy, cupcakes and face painting:

Emily is the bottom flower:
Emily and one of her best friends:

Emily finished her kindergarten year. It is hard to believe, it seems like yesterday she was born, but here she is a kindergarten graduate:

Emily with her wonderful kindergarten teacher:

After it was done, we took her to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate!

JT had an awesome year in 3rd grade. Here his is with one of his many awards:

He also got 2 medals for getting commended on both of his TAKS test:
Dylan also had a great year in 1st grade in his Dual Language class. He also won a ton of awards:

He was also named the boy good citizen out of his class:

At the end of the awards all the 1st graders sung a little song:
Over Memorial weekend, we went camping at Canyon Lake with my sister and a bunch of other people. We had a great time. Dylan and Emily ready to take the jet ski out:
JT doing what he loves most, fishing:
The boys out floating around when a little rain shower blew through:
This is JT (in the middle) going out for a tube ride:
Emily is in the middle of my niece Tori and her friend going out on her 1st tube ride. She did not like it and cried to come back:
Uncle Hank took Emily for a ride on the jet ski, which she doesn't really like either:
Todd pulled Dylan around the lake, but he loved it:

My nephew Hank giving Dylan a ride, I don't think he could have held on any tighter:

One evening Tori and her friend played a little volleyball and Dylan jumped in to play too:

Relaxing after a long day on the water:
Smore time:

We tried to make jiffy pop, popcorn on the pit:
And it did cook, but tasted like smoke:

The end of May was my nephew Hank's FFA banquet. He was an officer and had to give a speech, he is so quiet we couldn't wait to go to see him speak in front of all these people. He did awesome:

They had a cake acution too, here is one of the cakes, they all went for $100's of dollars:

Here is Hank (1st on left) during the speeches of others:

It was very nice and was a chance for us to start getting involved since JT is now a member.

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