Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jellystone June

This is a June event, but I put it by itself instead of in the post with the other June activities due to the number of pictures. These are just a few of the 100+ pictures I took this weekend. The first weekend of June (the weekend the kids get out of school) a group of friends of ours all meet at Jellystone in Waller, TX. It is a camp ground that the kids love. This was the 3rd year we have done this. We meet up there and the kids swim, play putt-putt ride their bikes, make arts and crafts,smores, watch outdoor movies at night and the list goes on. It was pirate weekend and was packed with fun:

They added a new water slide since the last time we were there, here is Dylan in line to ride it:


Emily didn't want to go down the big one at first so she stuck the the play area:

A group of the boys sliding together:

There is a little pond there that has some fish, and we all know how much JT loves to fish:

At night we all met for dinner:

The kids:

Emily hanging out with friends:

Arts and crafts:

They have a water gun water fight trailer ride, here is Todd squirting them with the water hose as they drive by:

Some of the girls with their water guns waiting on the next trailer ride to squirt them:

Here is Yogi and Cindy bear:

Then on Saturday night they have karaoke and my friend Heather talked me into singing with her, we met some other lady while looking through the songs and the lady wanted us to get up there and sign Drop it like its hot, we said only if you go with us and she did so here we are with our new friend on the right singing, I had to post this because no believes that shy me would do something like this. Alls I have to say is it was hilarious and I laughed so hared, I couldn't even sing. A few of the girls from our group came on stage with us to be our back up dancers, yes there is video of this, but no it won't be shown:

They also had a fire going in a pit for the kids to make smores at:

We all had a great time and at the end of the weekend the kids were pooped out, here are just a few of them resting waiting to finish getting packed up to leave:

We are blessed by such a great group of friends, can't wait to go back again next year!!

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