Wednesday, September 16, 2009


July has come and gone, but here is what we did. This year Dylan's relay swim team qualified for state. It was in San Antonio so we made a mini vacation out of it. Friday night at the coaches hotel they had a small pep rally to get the kids excited. Here are my 3 little gators:

Here is Dylan and his relay team:

After the pep rally we went to the opening ceremonies of the state games of Texas. Ronald McDoanld was there:

Here is the opening of the ceremonies:

It was like the opening ceremonies of the Olympics and each team walked in, here is the gators making their entrance:

Here they are as they came around by us:

After opening ceremonies we went to Olive Garden to get Dylan some pasta to get ready for the mornings big swim:

Early Saturday morning we had to be at the pool. We had a little wait until his event:

Here he is in white cap on left getting ready to swim:

There he goes:

They did great and finished 6th out of 21 teams:

After he swam we decided to get lunch at this place we had heard of called the Magic Time Machine. It was interesting. Ace Ventura was our waiter. I was going to take a picture of Todd and the kids and our waiter appeared just as I snapped the picture and scared the kids:

For the kids they had bubbling drinks (it was lemonade):

We asked the waiter if he would take a picture for us and well this is what we got:

Then he took the picture we meant for him to take and Dora stuck her head in the photo:After his hard swim Dylan wanted dessert something with Oreo's in it, his favorite and the waiter had just the thing:

The food was OK, but the service and atmosphere was great! After lunch we had the rest of the day to have fun, so we headed downtown towards the riverwalk. We went through the Alamo again:

Then went through Ripley's Believe it or Not again:

Then we went to the wax museum again:

Then Emily made a wax hand:

Then JT made one:

Dylan didn't want to make one. Then we decided to try the mirror maze. Outside they had some mirrors they made the kids looks small. It was kind of sad because they looked like toddlers again, I miss them being little:

Then we spent the next few minutes finding our way through the mirror maze:

Sunday morning we thought about going to Sea World, but we are suppose to go in November again with Donaho's like we did last year so we drove to New Braunsfels and went and stayed at Schlitterbahn and rode the river.

The view from our room to the river:

In the middle of July one of our friends asked if we wanted to go the Children's Museum, here are a few pictures from that day:

After a long day of playing the kids rested with an ice cream:

4th of July is Todd's favorite time of year, he can't wait to pop fireworks, here is some of them from this year:

We had family and a few friends over for food, fun and fireworks:

My nephew Hank turned 16 this year. On his actual birthday we went over to see him and the truck he got for his birthday:

Then on Friday we had his party. They live next door, so the party was between the two of our houses. It had rained right at the beginning so what do boys want to do after it rains, tear up the yard on the 4-wheelers:

JT of course got his out and tried to keep up with the big boys:

Two of Hanks friends were walking from their house back towards mine when Hank decided to give them a mud shower:

Dylan riding his 4-wheeler:

My niece Tori and some of the girls at the party decided to have a mud bath (gross):

Yes he was covered in mud, but lucky didn't get any on the cake:

After rinising off some of them jumped in the pool:

Two of my nieces stayed inside and played:

JT wanted raise a goat for FFA, so he had to get his goat set up at the ag barn. This is his goat (brown head and neck, white body) and my niece Tori's goat all brown and my nephew Hanks goat (brown head and white body):

JT while his goat eats:

JT walking his goat:

The Champs meet was the first part of July, the kids did great. Dylan setting up for his 25 backstroke:

JT on his breath of the 25 breaststroke:

Emily on her 25 free:

Love this picture of Dylan diving over his teammate in the 100 free relay:

Champs is the last meet of the regular season. They had their end of season team party at the city pool and got their trophies:

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