Thursday, December 27, 2007

Emily's craft day

So one day at Walmart we see this package of different kool aid lipgloss/chapstick. Emily begs for it, but she already has a ton, she love lipgloss. So I told her we could get it, but that we were going to make a holder for it so she could give them away to some friends. She picked out the color paper she wanted and the stamp set she wanted to use and then I let her color it. I just cut everything and put it together, she did the rest by herself. I thought I would share the finished project as it turned out cute.
She loves to sit and work on projects when I am doing mine. Won't be long and I will have this girl scrapbooking!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww Val - she did an awesome job! I hope Katey grows up and wants to scrap! Those are adorable!