Thursday, February 28, 2008

Busy, busy

Well it is that time of year again. Baseball season that is. All three kids are playing again. We are having Emily play up (she is only 4) so that her and Dylan are on the same team. It makes it easier to only be running around to two different games and practices. Still very busy for me. The kids all have awesome coaches and it looks to be a great season. I may not post much as it gets hard when we get this busy and once we get home after all the games and practices I am usually to tired to get on. So stay tuned and I will update when I can (I know yall are all sitting around waiting on my next post, ha ha!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like the new background of the blog-very soothing. I'm glad you're back and hope to see the photos of the scrapbooking pages soon. xo Michelle