Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dylan was sick!

So Monday we go to take JT to the doctor for his 8 year check up and Dylan was sitting on my lap and he tells me he is tired. I figured he would be as we had let the boys lay in bed and watch the end of the Superbowl Sunday so he went to bed later than usual. The doctor comes in and takes one look at Dylan and ask me if I think he has the flu. I say no, he is just tired. The doctor says no I think he might have the flu. I will test him after I am done with JT. I say ok. So to make a long story shot the test comes back positive for the flu. Sure enough by the time we get home he is already running a fever. He is better now. So today, Wednesday, daddy had the day off and they decide they are going to try to be scientist.

Dylan loves dinosaurs and he got this little science dinosaur mold kit for Christmas and we hadn't done it, so we decide we will try it today. He had fun putting the bones together on his T-Rex and then daddy mixed the stuff and poured it into the mold. It had to sit for 6 hours.

Not sure what happened to it, but it didn't cover it completely. The gel didn't stick to it around the feet and jaw. Oh well, as you can see on Dylan's face he still had a fun time putting it together. It did come with another mix so if you want you can try it again. Lets just say daddy got a little frustrated with it and I don't think we will be trying it again anytime soon. In the long run, I am not real sure if he ever even had the flu. If so it was a real mild form of it as he only ran a little bit of fever and had a runny nose. He is all better now and will return to school tomorrow
since he hasn't had any fever since Tuesday night.

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