Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Nothing new going on. Just getting the kids ready to start up baseball. JT went back to the doctor today for his 1 week follow up from his tubes. Dr. said everything looked good. We got him fitted for ear plugs so he can swim without to many worries. He was excited about getting to choose what color he wanted. He picked red, neon green and black. I have been trying to get the house clean so I can leave Friday for a girls weekend with some friends. I am both scared and excited. This will be the first time I have been away from my kids for more than 24 hours. Todd will be here with them and I know they will be ok. Just wondering what my house will look like when I return! Also I am stressing a little as we recently found out the kids baseball pictures are Saturday. I know he can get the kids dressed and there on time, I just hope he does. Well I probably won't be back on here until after I return from my weekend, so I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and a blessed weekend!

1 comment:

stephanie T said...

oh my gosh, i cant believe this is the first time you have left them for more than 24 hours! :)