Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Galveston and Kemah

On Friday July 25 we decide to take the kids down to Galveston to Schiltterbahn. It was crowded, but we still had a good time.

The kids and I floating around relaxing:

Emily and her daddy:
The boys liked to swim the waves instead of float them:

I love this picture of Emily as we get ready to go down a little drop in to some rapids:
They actually all 3 stood still long enough to get a picture of them together:

After all that swimming we were starving and wanted something good to eat. We decide to go to Saltgrass Steak house. We headed towards Clear Lake from Galveston, but on the way noticed one of those road signs that said heavy traffic and freeway closed so we hopped off 45 at 146 and went to the one in Kemah. To our surprise on Friday nights they do fireworks out of the board walk:

We then walked around the boardwalk and fed the sting rays and listened to the band. We got home really late, but had a great time.

1 comment:

stephanie T said...

i love the lazy river, i could stay on it for hours