Tuesday, August 5, 2008

This past weekend

Every summer since JT was 18 months old we have gone to San Antonio and taken the kids to Sea World and Fiesta Texas. Well summer is almost over and we haven't been. Our original plan was to take them this week while Todd was off. Then we realized soccer season starts this week and JT's team (which Todd coaches) only has this week and next week before they play in their first tournament. We didn't want to cancel practice so we have held off San Antonio until hopefully this fall. We will have to go on a weekend now (which I hate, we always go during the week when it is less crowded) but it will be cooler. So feeling bad that we didn't make it we decided to take the weekend and go some where close ( I didn't want to fight the heat and the crowds this weekend in San Antonio) so we went to the Woodlands Resort. There is so much to do. We checked in Friday afternoon. After dinner we went to the main pool and they play a movie. Here is Emily siting in the water watching the movie:

Here are the kids after swimming Friday night. We took one of my nephews, Hank, with us too:

It was very pretty out there with a little lake that had lots of animals that were very tame. You could walk right up to them and sometimes they would walk right up to you. Here is the kids feeding some of the ducks. Once they started feeding one a whole bunch of them showed up:

The pool area was great. The main pool had two pools, hot tub, spray area and two waterslides. They had a band out there playing, you could play water volleyball and water basketball. They had an island in the middle of one of the pools that had pictures painted and this treasure box and stuff and had music playing under water. You could get a treasure map and go "snorkeling" to find the painted pictures on your map and when you turned it back in you got a bracelet. They also had a clown face painting and making balloon animals and you could play giant chess and ping pong. Also in the evening besides the movie they had a fire pit that you could have smores at. We didn't make it either night as both times we were at dinner. Here are a few more pictures:

Saturday night we decided to go to Benihanas for dinner. We had never taken the kids and they loved watching their chef cook their food and using chopsticks to eat with:

Overall it was a good time. Both Emily and Dylan had gotten sick Saturday afternoon, but we didn't let that stop us from having fun.


The Norman Family said...

That place looks like lots of fun! Glad that you guys were able to get away a little bit and have some family fun!

stephanie T said...

that looks fun! sorry they got sick!

Mellissa Luna-Montemayor said...

Fun family fun!!!!