Wednesday, November 7, 2007

JT is sick.

Well last night JT started running a small fever and saying his tummy hurt. I gave him some medicine early in the evening and it went away and he was better by bedtime. He woke up several times throughout the night having crazy dreams so I took his temperature and it was back up about 3:30 this morning. He is better today, but I didn't send him to school as he didn't get much sleep. I know they had their district reading test today, but I don't think he would have done well on it with not much sleep. Funny thing is he missed the test last year because he was sick. If it wasn't for the fact that he did have a fever, I would think he is faking it just to miss the test, but I sure hope the school doesn't think he is faking.

Todd has been away at fire school this week, but is on his way home now. Can't wait for him to get home. Hope everyone else is doing well.

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