Wednesday, February 13, 2008

JT's hospital trip!

So last year JT failed his hearing test at school. We took him to the ENT and they said he had fluid build up, but his hearing was fine. The did say the fluid was causing negative pressure on his ear drums though, they said we might want to consider tubes. I said that he hasn't had a lot of ear infections and I thought the fluid might just be from the recent cold. The ENT said we would watch it and see how things go. A year later, in December, JT said his ear hurt one night so I took him back to the ENT. Dr. Abbassi said he still had fluid and the negative pressure had increased, he said we might want to consider tubes. We decided to try to wait and see how things went. Then about 3 weeks later his ear drum ruptured causing extreme pain and bleeding from the ear. We then decided we better get the tubes. So today was the day. We had to be at Texas Children's Hospital at 6:15. We got him all registered and then they gave him some pj's to wear:

The doctors and nurses were all great! They came out and asked what flavor he wanted his gas mask to be, he said he wanted rootbeer so off he went. About 15 minutes later Dr. Abbassi came and told us everything was great and that he did have a blood clot in the ear that had ruptured but he got it out and we would be able to see him in a few minutes. About 15 minutes later we got called back to the recovery area and he was still asleep. The nurse said to just let him sleep and wake up on his own as when they wake them up sometimes the kids are a little cranky. So about 15 minutes later he sat straight up and was wide awake and was ready to go home. He wasn't happy when we told him he had to stay for a little while to make sure he was ok, he said he was fine and was ready to go. The nurse got him some Sprite and he relaxed until it was time to go. I am so proud of him, he did so good. I can't say enough for how great all the people at Texas Children's Hospital were. And of course Dr. Abbassi rocks! Here are some pictures from the recovery area:


stephanie T said...

aww, what a brave boy! love the pj's did you get to keep them? glad it went well! happy vday!

The Norman Family said...

This is perfect Val as David is having his surgery next month at Texas Children's for his toes. He is very scared and I am going to show him these pics of JT so that hopefully it will ease his mind! Glad that all went well! I can't wait to see the scrap page!

Anonymous said...

awwwww... my booger...
'everyone know he would pick rootbeer

Cassie said...

WE LOVE TCH!! We have been there 3 times for Conor's and Caitlin's tubes. They are great there. And now JT doesn't have an excuse saying he didn't hear you.

A said...

so glad it went well!