Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm still here.

I haven't posted lately as this is a busy time of year for us on top of JT being sick at the end of last week. He is all better now. I wanted to take a minute to wish a few greetings to some people. Happy 17th Anniversary to my sister Susan and her husband Hank. It was on November 3rd. Happy Birthday Daddy! I love you very much (his was on November 8). Happy Birthday to my really good friend who has been with me for years Beckie (November 8th). Happy 13th Anniversary to my wonderful husband. I don't know where I would be with out you. (That was yesterday November 12). Again Happy Birthday to Sydney (November 1) and my darling little boy Dylan (November 5). Next is my birthday, and my niece Cassie who will be Sweet 16 (mine is the 14th and hers is the 15th). After Thanksgiving it will be my moms birthday on November 30.

We are also finishing up soccer season. The kids had a great time and were all three on awesome teams. I can't believe the season is now over. I will post some new pictures as soon as I download them to the computer.

Now you can see why I have been so busy lately.

Also I changed my comment thing so any one can leave a comment if they want (Ok mom!) Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to posting. Seems like forever. Happy Birthday again. See ya this weekend!!