Tuesday, June 14, 2011

5th annual Jellystone camping trip

Back in the fall of 2006 Todd and I had heard about this cute little campground in Waller, TX called Jellystone. Back then the kids got a fall break in October so we took our camping trailer and went up there. We had so much fun and thought this would be a really great place to go with a group so that next summer we invited 3 friends and their families to go with us the weekend the kids got out of school. Well every summer since then we have invited friends and their families and have gone in early June. We just came back from this trip this past week. This year we had 7 friends and their families who could make it the weekend we went. On Friday afternoon we all got there got checked/settled in and took the kids swimming for a little while and then all met for dinner. Here are some of the girls on the first nights dinner:

After dinner we lite a small fire in the ring and made s'mores:

The next morning after breakfast we all met out by the pool. The kids love this slide and spent most of their time on it. Here is Dylan (far left blue lane) coming down:

Us big kids have just as much fun on it. Todd's brother Tyson came up to visit on Saturday afternoon and here he is (second yellow lane from left) and Todd (getting airborn on far right blue lane) and JT (far right yellow lane):

Emily on one of her many trips down:

We also spent a lot of time in the pool. After lunch we decided to take a little break from the sun and water and went in to do arts and crafts. JT painted a turtle:

Emily painted a butterfly:

Dylan painted this tiny bunny and he also did a shirt:

After that we went back out to the pool/slides for a little while longer. When it started getting late we got cleaned up and got things ready for dinner. Here are some of the kids eating:

After dinner it was karaoke time. Here are some of the boys watching karaoke:

Some of the girls went up and sang Pink's "So What":

After karaoke, some went and watched the outdoor movie while the rest of us just hung out and talked. It was another great year and can't wait to go back next year!

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