Monday, June 13, 2011

Emily is 8

Even though her actual birthday isn't until this Thursday, we have already had Emily's birthday party. Due to our busy schedule we had to throw it together last minute on Saturday of Memorial weekend. We were suppose to have it the following weekend, but Dylan made allstars and they were going to be playing in a tournament that weekend so I had 5 days to plan this and get the word out. I tried talking her into doing later, as more people would probably be able to come, but she didn't want to wait until July when our schedule freed up again to have it. She still had a good turn out of friends even with it being short notice and a holiday weekend. We just did it at the house and used the pool and rented a moonwalk waterslide.

Before the party started she was out on the waterslide having some fun:

The kids had fun running back and forth from the pool:

to the water slide:

Emily with her cake. The candles wouldn't hardly light as we were doing it outside and it was a windy day:

Opening her presents:

She had a great time and we are glad everyone who could join us did. It's hard to believe my baby girl is 8! Happy birthday Emily, we love you!!

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