Monday, June 13, 2011


There is a local farm that allows you to come pick strawberries when in season. It's one of the things the kids like to go do in the spring. I can tell you this year was a busy season for them though as the word gets out, I have never seen so many people out there. I took the kids a few different times this year as the strawberries were some of the biggest I have seen them be since we started doing this a few years back, also they were some of the sweetest strawberries we had ever gotten. The cold winter we had must have been good for them. On one of the first times we went I made the kids stop for a picture:

Then we got out in the fields and got to work. Emily:



All 3 of them after they got done the first time we went:

We ate all those up and went back a few days later with some friends. Emily and Megan with their haul on this day:

We went back some more, but was too busy picking to get any other pictures. I made several of my red, white and blueberry pies with these strawberries. Picking season is already over, but can't wait until next year!

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