Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I am a very proud momma of all of my kids, always. This year they all 3 had another fabulous school year and it showed on awards day. Every year the school has a theme for TAKS this year was Rock the TAKS so all year long everything was rock n roll related. So for 2nd grade they gave out Rock Star Awards, one to a boy and one to a girl from each 2nd grade class, well Emily got the girl rock star award for her class:

On awards day they just put all their academic awards in an envelope and just hand each student their packet of awards, here is Emily getting her awards packet from her teacher:

This is Emily's 2nd grade class with their 2 teachers after getting their awards packet:

They didn't give out rock star award in 3rd or 5th grade.

On Dylan's awards day they had their awards in packets, but did read off all the awards they were going to have in their packet, here is Dylan's 2 teachers as they read off his awards:

Dylan also got an art award for his drawing back in October that went to the Brazoria County Fair:

After his awards ceremony here is Dylan with his trophy for doing the bluebonnet books and 2 medals for getting commended on both of his TAKS test:

JT as his teacher reads off his awards from his packet:

JT after getting all 3 of his medals for getting commended on all of his TAKS test:

As this is the last year 5th graders will be at this school the teachers and staff nominated 4 boys and 5 girls from all of 5th grade for the Melba Passmore award. JT was one of the 4 boy nominees. They had to go into an interview in front of some of the school staff and that is how they picked the winner. JT didn't win, but I am very proud of him for even being nominated. Here is Mr. Passmore giving him his certificate for being nominated:

I am very proud of all my kids and all their academic achievements. All 3 kids made straight A's the whole year in every subject. They work very hard and it pays off.

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