Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Regular baseball season had come to an end. Dylan's team ended up being 3rd which is good. He him self had a good year. It was time for the allstar announcement and we weren't sure if he would make it. While we think he is a great player you never know what others think. Plus out here in his age group there is some pretty tough competition and this being the first year he even qualifies we didn't know what to expect. But he was one of only 12 boys selected to represent our town as an allstar. After the announcement we had about a week and half to get these boys together for some practice. Most of them had never even played together before and kids were going to have to be moved around to play different positions than they had before, like Dylan who in all the years he has played baseball has only ever played 1st base, some short stop and pitcher was asked to play 3rd base. He stepped up and learned the position and did a great job. Our first game was against Lake Jackson American. Before the game the kids were announced, here is Dylan in the number 3 batting position:

The coach being announced and coming and getting the boys pumped up:

Dylan playing 3rd base: After a hit on 2nd base waiting to be brought in:

On 3rd base waiting for his teammate to knock him in:

One of his at bats in game 2 against Angelton:

Sliding into home in game 2 against Angelton:

Game 2 against Angelton on second base waiting to run home:

Playing 3rd base in game 2:

Game 3 against Lamar American:

Playing 3rd base during game 3:

The boys did great and had a great run, we beat Lake Jackson American 19-4 and then beat Angelton 18-3 and then lost to Lamar American 4-3 so had to play Angelton again which we won 21-3 and then had to play Lamar American in the championship game and lost 13-12. It was really sad as they played so well and worked so hard, but we are all still very proud of them. The team that beat us in the Area Championship went on to sweep the District Champion so we just lost to a good team. There is always next year!

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