Monday, June 13, 2011

Field trips

The kids end of school year is always packed with all kinds of exciting things. Field trips is one of them. This year JT's 5th grade classes went out to George Ranch. I wasn't sure how it would go with a bunch of older kids, but when we got there we were the only school scheduled to be there that day so we had the place almost to ourselves which was really nice. We only a had few hours there so we only saw part of the ranch. JT's class got the tour out by the cattle and the George home. The cowboys showed the kids how to lasso:

In the backyard of the George house was a tree house in this massive tree:

Also right there was this little white chapel, which you can rent out for weddings. It has no electricity or indoor plumbing, but it is so cute and they have this pretty little gazebo by it and a dance hall you can rent out for a reception, maybe it's time for Todd and I to renew our vowels:

The cowboys showed the kids how they round up cattle and brand them:

Overall it was very interesting, I would actually like to go back and see the rest. Will have to wait til it cools off a little.

Emily's 2nd grade classes went to Bayou Wildlife park. Unfortunately we weren't the only school on hers and the place was a little crowded, but we did get to do and see everything. They got to ride ponies:

and feed all kinds of animals on the tram ride:

I was surprised Emily fed any of the animals, last time we went as a family, she cried and wouldn't touch the food buckets or get any where near where the animals were coming. Here she feeds a camel:

It wasn't too bad a time, even though it was crowded.

Dylan's 3rd grade classes went to the Houston Museum of Natural Science and we weren't the only school there either. It wasn't too bad though, I had just a small group and we were allowed to go see whatever we wanted, so we started off with the dinosaurs:

Then upstairs to see all the animals:

After walking around for an hour and a half or so we had to line up to see a 3D Imax. The boys waiting in line with their 3D glasses:

I think everyone had a good time!

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