Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We got talent

For the 3rd year now our school put on a talent show. Emily and 2 friends and Dylan and 3 of his friends all tried out and both groups made it into the talent show. JT didn't want to try out. Also Emily's class did a cute little poem so she was in 2 acts. They had 3 performances. They did the first performance on Thursday evening. Here is Emily with her class doing their Homework O' Homework poem:

Dylan and his friends wrote, directed and acted in their own skit. It was a Christmas skit and it was funny. Here they are at the night performance:

Emily and 2 friends got up and sang a song. Now they did awesome as I am not sure if I could have sang in front of everyone especially with no music. They didn't have music to help them as the song was written by one of the girls. It was a cute little song and the did great and just got up there and sang. Emily is the middle one in the blue jean skirt:

Very proud of them for getting up there and doing that. On Friday morning they did their performances 2 more times for the school kids. Emily and her class doing their poem:

Emily singing again:

Dylan in their Christmas skit:

Now some of the teachers put on one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time. They were called "Almost Broadway Babies". There were 2 teachers behind these 2 teachers and all them used their hands (some for legs some as hands) and "danced" to several different songs. Here is part of "Everyone was Kung Fu fighting":

I really should have recorded this, but was laughing to hard. It was another great show. Who knows we might have the next Taylor Swift or Steven Spielberg on our hands.

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