Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hank graduates

My nephew Hank graduated high school this year. It's hard to believe he is grown, I still see him as this little boy, but now he is a man. Here he is walking out on the field to his seat (from left he is the first boy):

Here he is walking up the stage to get his diploma:

I took a picture of the big screen as we were sitting on the back side of this photo, but here he is with his high school principal:

I stayed to the end and here is AHS class of 2011 graduates:

We are all very proud of all the hard work he put into these school years and all the scholarships he got. I know he will do great and go far in life. We love you Hanky!

Here he is after graduation with some of his dad's side of the family:

This past Sunday they had a little celebration for the graduate. I took a picture of this photo collage of his senior pictures my sister had hanging up:

Here he is (far right) with his girlfriend and a few of his friends:

Crazy man coming down the water slide:

Him and his friends stayed up to the wee hours partying and sliding:

Congratulations again!

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