Thursday, December 27, 2007


Just wanted to say that I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas. We did. Was great spending time with our loved ones, but it went by way to quick. At least the kids don't go back to school for a few more days and we don't have any sports practice or games until January, maybe give me time to get caught up on my rest.

Here is the kids waiting patiently to open their presents Christmas morning.

For some reason I didn't take many photos this year. I didn't get any from Christmas Day at my in laws. I know she did and she gave me a copy of her pictures, but for some reason the disc isn't working. Here is a photo from Christmas Eve with my family. This is my kids, nieces and nephews (minus one nephew).

Thanks for stopping by and wish you and yours a safe and blessed New Year!

Emily's craft day

So one day at Walmart we see this package of different kool aid lipgloss/chapstick. Emily begs for it, but she already has a ton, she love lipgloss. So I told her we could get it, but that we were going to make a holder for it so she could give them away to some friends. She picked out the color paper she wanted and the stamp set she wanted to use and then I let her color it. I just cut everything and put it together, she did the rest by herself. I thought I would share the finished project as it turned out cute.
She loves to sit and work on projects when I am doing mine. Won't be long and I will have this girl scrapbooking!

Christmas Card and other craft stuff.

Well I was pretty busy in December making a few things like my Christmas card and other little gifts. Had lots of fun making them and thought I would share them.
Here was this year's Christmas card:

Dylan's class did a penny present exchange. You were suppose to bring something for around a penny to a quarter for every kid in his class. We gave colors and this little Christmas coloring book that I made for them:

I also made some little york peppermint pattie things:

I also made these cute snowman kisses that had tic tac's in them:

Here is a bag topper that I made to put on top of the bags that the snowman pretzels that we made were going in as well as a picture of our sad little snowmen, they didn't turn out that great:

We made the carrot noses to big so they look a little more like ducks than snowman, but they tasted great.

Here it is all together. This was part of the kids present to their teachers:

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Playing around

Go check out Todd and the kids:

Hey, I just made a total elf of myself. Check it out by clicking the link below. This elfin' greeting brought to you by OfficeMax®

and here is me:

Check it out. I just Scrooged myself. Have a look by clicking on the link below. holiday greeting brought to you by OfficeMax®.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Are you finished Christmas shopping? We are almost. It is a busy time of year. The kids have all started basketball. We are on Christmas break so have this week off, but the boys are playing indoor soccer too and don't take off much time for the holidays. So we are pretty much gone 5 days a week at something. I think I must be crazy. The kids are loving it and having so much fun. Here are some pictures from their first basketball games:

Don't have any good ones of the indoor soccer as the lighting is really bad in there and it makes it hard to take action photos without good lighting.

I got the kids to sit still long enough to take a few photos for the Christmas cards. It wasn't easy and didn't get many good ones, but here is one they wanted to do and it turned out cute, but not the one I used for the cards.

The one I put on the Christmas cards was JT's idea (if you read my blog it is a pose you will recognize). It was the one daddy liked the best. I will post the card I made as well as a few other things I have been working on as soon as I get it all done.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

At least at the McCoy house it is. We found time in our busy weekend to start getting ready for Christmas. We got the tree up and decorated and got the outside lights up too. Want to see all our hard work? Of course you do. As the kids are getting older they are wanting to help more, so they did most of the tree and even went outside and helped daddy hang the lights.

Dylan didn't help because as he climbed the ladder he got scared. Welcome to Texas, as you can see we it was still warm enough to be outside hanging Christmas lights in shorts and t-shirts. Here is the finished product:

Now sometime I need to get started on my Christmas cards. Don't think it will be this weekend as between the 3 kids we have 3 basketball games and 2 soccer games. Don't think I will have time for much else, sure hope I get to sleep. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Justin's Basketball Tournament

My nephew Justin plays basketball on the sophomore team at his High School. This past weekend they played in a tournament at their school. They lost the first game, but shouldn't have. They just couldn't get it together as a team, but they went on to win the rest of the games for Consolation plaque. Here is a picture of Justin shooting (and yes he did make this shot):

Here is a picture of his team with their award. They were awesome! (Sorry it is a little blurry)

Monday, December 3, 2007

Mom's Birthday

We went out to eat for my mom's birthday Saturday night. My dad and all of us kids chipped in to get her a new purse. I hope she liked it. I made her a purse card. I just used a template from the coluzzle cutting system. Here it is closed:

And then open:

Here is a picture of my mom holding my brothers son Linus in an outfit that was my brothers when he was a baby:

This is mom blowing out her candles. I hope all her wishes come true! Love you mom!

And no the icing on her cake was not black. It was really dark purple. Next time we order a cake I will have to make sure to say light purple.


Look at the top at my new slide show. Just thought I would share some of the photos from Thanksgiving day and from Friday after Thanksgiving. It was wonderful to get to spend time with all our family. We truly are blessed and had many things to be thankful for.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

I am a little late as it is after midnight, but wanted to wish my mom a Happy Birthday! Her birthday was November 30. We will be going out to dinner tomorrow night. Now I need to make her a card!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, we have just been so busy. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We did, I ate way too much especially of my moms fudge. This is a picture of Todd and I and the kids on Thursday at my mother in laws. On Friday we had our family over at our house.

Now it is time to get ready for Christmas! It is hard to believe it is almost here. We went and got our tree this evening and will hopefully get it decorated tomorrow or Sunday.

I have added a song play list to my blog so I hope you enjoy it! I put some Christmas music on it to get everyone in the holiday spirit, but also put a few other songs on including an oldie or two from my childhood! Hope everyone has a blessed day and will get some more pictures up soon!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Here we are on Friday night blowing out our candles, we got together with family to celebrate some of the November birthdays! My niece Cassie had turned 16 so her dad's parents got her a car. What a lucky girl. She also had a sweet 16 party with a few friends Saturday night. I hope this will be a time she will never forget. Sad to say, but I turned 16 one day before she was born, I can't believe I am that old that now she is turning 16. Everyone had a great time.

Here is a picture of Cassie with her car.

Here is a picture with some of her friends from her party.

I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! I am so thankful that God has blessed me with so many wonderful family members and friends. I look forward to being with them this holiday.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Dad's birthday card.

Ok dad if you get on before tonight don't look! I just made this card for my dad. Tonight we are going out to eat to celebrate some of the November birthdays. We are celebrating my dad's, mine and my niece Cassie. Here is dads card. Will try to get Cassie's done after I get the kids from school.

I don't know what has happened to the last few cards I have made, but I don't seem to being getting them straight. Sorry! Might be the extra hands I have helping me!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

One more thing for tonight!

I want to start off by wishing my niece Cassie a sweet 16th birthday. I can't believe it has already been 16 years. Now everyone clear the roads as she gets her drivers license and car tomorrow. Just kidding. She is a great driver.

I wanted to share one more card I had made. I made some of these to hand out to some people from Dylan's soccer team who came to his party. I know I am bad as I only made it for them, everyone else who came to the party were family and really close friends who I hope knows that we are thankful and I don't need to give them a card. In case you are one of those and didn't know, let me say thanks for making Dylan's birthday so special. I put those magic bubble wands on these cards, you know the kind you just have to put the stick in water then blow on it and it makes bubbles. I first learned to make these cards at stamp club from Ann. Thanks Ann for the great idea. I love giving these out to kids. Now for the card:

End of soccer!

Well the kids soccer is now over. They all played so well and had a lot of fun! We had Emily play up so that her and Dylan could be on the same team so that it might be easier for us not to try getting 3 different places. Here is a picture of JT in action. Don't you love those bright yellow shoes. He just had to have them.

Here is a picture of Dylan. I love how I got him in mid-air.

This is Emily kicking in bounds . She did so well for her first year ever playing.

This is a cute card, that of course I got the idea from splitcoaststampers. Here is the one I CASE'd: Hers is better! As team mom of Dylan and Emily's team I made these for their coaches. If you notice this was mainly a girl team. We only had Dylan and one other little boy.

Happy Anniversary honey!

Well Monday was Todd and I's 13 year anniversary. I can't believe it has been that long. I don't feel old enough to have been married that long. But if I had it to do all over, I wouldn't change a thing. Have I told you how sweet he is. Well Sunday morning he got up and started cleaning out my rosebush flowerbed. A few had fallen victim to ants and had died and then he went on a mission to get me enough new ones that I would have 13 rose bushes in all. This time a year though he couldn't find any I didn't already have or that were pretty enough. It is the thought that counts though! Instead he did come home Monday morning after working all night Sunday with some beautiful pink roses that had some pretty purple flowers too. Those are my two favorite colors. See I told you he is the best.

I made him this card below. It didn't turn out that great. It sounded better in my head than it came out, but then again I did it about midnight so I could set it out before he came home in the morning. This will be a lesson not to make cards while I should be sleeping.

Kids are so funny!

You can tell it is almost Thanksgiving by what the kids are coming home from school talking about. So tonight before dinner I hear JT calling Emily and Dylan into the living room. The next thing I know he comes running to me with the camera and says here mom take a picture of us. I had no idea why, but after I took the picture JT says "See just like the Indians." So here is my darling children totem pole! It is never a dull minute around here.

Sick again

Just when you think things are looking up reality comes and slaps you in the face and your looking back down. Now Dylan is sick. He started with a fever late Tuesday. Took him to the doctor today and he has a viral throat infection and we are going to just have to let it run its course since it is viral. I think he if starting to feel better though as he actually ate something tonight.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm still here.

I haven't posted lately as this is a busy time of year for us on top of JT being sick at the end of last week. He is all better now. I wanted to take a minute to wish a few greetings to some people. Happy 17th Anniversary to my sister Susan and her husband Hank. It was on November 3rd. Happy Birthday Daddy! I love you very much (his was on November 8). Happy Birthday to my really good friend who has been with me for years Beckie (November 8th). Happy 13th Anniversary to my wonderful husband. I don't know where I would be with out you. (That was yesterday November 12). Again Happy Birthday to Sydney (November 1) and my darling little boy Dylan (November 5). Next is my birthday, and my niece Cassie who will be Sweet 16 (mine is the 14th and hers is the 15th). After Thanksgiving it will be my moms birthday on November 30.

We are also finishing up soccer season. The kids had a great time and were all three on awesome teams. I can't believe the season is now over. I will post some new pictures as soon as I download them to the computer.

Now you can see why I have been so busy lately.

Also I changed my comment thing so any one can leave a comment if they want (Ok mom!) Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Sunday was a good friend of mines daughters 8th birthday party. Happy Birthday Sydney (on November 1). She had her party at the skating rink. The kids had so much fun skating. Even Beckie (my friend) and I skated. This was not the first time the kids had skated, but it was the first time I remembered to bring the camera so I thought I would share a picture of the kids.

JT is sick.

Well last night JT started running a small fever and saying his tummy hurt. I gave him some medicine early in the evening and it went away and he was better by bedtime. He woke up several times throughout the night having crazy dreams so I took his temperature and it was back up about 3:30 this morning. He is better today, but I didn't send him to school as he didn't get much sleep. I know they had their district reading test today, but I don't think he would have done well on it with not much sleep. Funny thing is he missed the test last year because he was sick. If it wasn't for the fact that he did have a fever, I would think he is faking it just to miss the test, but I sure hope the school doesn't think he is faking.

Todd has been away at fire school this week, but is on his way home now. Can't wait for him to get home. Hope everyone else is doing well.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Dylan's 6!

It's hard to believe that 6 years ago today, our second son was born. He has been a blessing to us all. I went to the school and brought him lunch. Of course he wanted McDonalds! We had a good time and went outside to recess with him afterwards. With daddy out of town at fire school I told him he could pick where he wanted to go eat dinner at (no sense in me cooking) as long as it was local, so he asked to go to Cici's pizza. Not my favorite place, but it was what he wanted and he was excited that his cousin Hank went with us too!

We had his birthday on Saturday at Chuck E. Cheeses. He had a great time and had lots of family and friends there to celebrate with him. I think he had a wonderful 6th birthday. At least I hope he did!


Well about two weekends ago me, my two sisters Susan and Christy, two of my nieces Cassie and Tori and our mom had a girls sleepover. We had a lot of fun. We watched a movie and sat around eating and talking. Was so great to spend time with them. My mom and my sister Susan went home late that night though. The rest of us got up the next morning and made Cassie's Sweet 16 invitations. Susan came over and helped too. The invitations turned out cute, what do you think?

I have to admit, I CASE'd the idea of the card from splitcoasstampers. Here is a the one I used: It is much better than mine, but I changed it a little as we made 40.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Well yesterday was Halloween and we went up to the church for the Hallelujah Fest. The kids had a great time. We played some games and rode pony's and the train and ate too much junk.
Here is a picture of Princess Emily, Motorcross racer JT and Spiderman Dylan.

Here we go!

Well, I thought I would give this thing a try. I have considered blogging for a while as a way for family and friends to see what is going on in our lives. I named it family, life, love because it will be about my family, my life and the things and people I love. I don't know how often I will post, but would love to hear from anyone when they come by to visit. Plan to use this for family things, but will also post things that I create from time to time like cards and scrapbook pages.